Honorary member

Professor José Martins dos Santos


Professor José Martins dos Santos served as the inaugural President of CiiEM. Throughout his career, he authored numerous peer-reviewed articles and the books "Anatomia Geral" and "Anatomia da cabeça e pescoço e anatomia dentária."

From 2000 onward, he held the position of President at Egas Moniz School of Health & Science. Concurrently, he served as the Head of the Anatomy Department and Morphology Laboratory.

In his extensive academic journey, Professor dos Santos supervised numerous MSc and PhD theses. He obtained his habilitation from the Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, the University of Porto.

A respected member of the medical community, Professor dos Santos was a member of Sociedade Anatómica Portuguesa (serving as vice-president between 2010 and 2011), Association des Morphologistes (AMAES), European Group of Lymphology (GEL), and the European Association of Clinical Anatomy (EACA).

He was posthumously awarded the title of President Emeritus of Egas Moniz School of Health & Science and Head Emeritus of the Morphology Lab (Anatomy).

Integrated members in 2023
Collaborating members in 2023
Increase in integrated members 2018-2023